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Unlocking the Value of Safety Communication and Training

Updated: Dec 17, 2023

As a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) professional in the oil and gas industry, I've observed that evaluating the impact of safety communication and training is vital yet often neglected. Dr. Donald L. Kirkpatrick’s four-level model for training effectiveness is a valuable tool in this regard, but it's frequently underutilized. In this blog, we'll delve into two innovative metrics - Return on Safety Attention (R.O.S.A.) and Safety Intelligence Quotient (Safety I.Q.) - that can significantly enhance the evaluation of safety efforts in an organization.

R.O.S.A.: Measuring the Impact of Safety Communication

R.O.S.A., inspired by the concept of return on attention in marketing, is crucial for assessing the efficacy of safety communication and training. For example, consider a safety meeting where critical issues are discussed. The real question is, how much of this information is retained and acted upon? If participants remember only a fraction of the content after a month, this indicates the effectiveness level of the communication. More than just recall, R.O.S.A. should also measure behavioral changes (level three in Kirkpatrick’s model) to gauge the actual application of safety communication in daily operations.

The Importance of Safety I.Q.

The Safety I.Q. concept, introduced by the National Safety Council, is about assessing knowledge levels regarding safety practices within an organization. For instance, if your safety management system encompasses six key elements, how well do your employees and leaders understand and apply these elements? By administering a comprehensive quiz, you can measure the Safety I.Q. of your workforce, and subsequently, the behavioral R.O.S.A. resulting from this knowledge.

Shifting the Measurement Focus

Often, organizations concentrate on avoiding negative outcomes instead of promoting positive safety actions. This shift in focus is crucial. It's not just about knowing safety principles; it's about integrating them into daily behaviors and operations. By measuring both R.O.S.A. and Safety I.Q., we can more effectively gauge the efficiency and value added by safety communication and training efforts. This approach not only improves outcomes but also enhances the overall appreciation for safety training and communication among employees.

Conclusion: Enhancing Safety Outcomes

Measuring the effectiveness of safety communication and training is a critical step in optimizing safety efforts within an organization. By implementing R.O.S.A. and Safety I.Q. as measurement tools, we can assess the retention and application of safety training, as well as the knowledge levels within the organization. This data-driven approach allows for a shift in focus toward promoting positive safety behaviors and outcomes, thereby fostering a culture that values and appreciates safety training and communication as essential components of operational excellence. As HSE professionals, it's our responsibility to ensure that safety is not just a concept but a practiced reality in every aspect of our operations.

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